London’s Licensed Paralegal Services
Carmen Dawdy Paralegal Services is licensed, insured and qualified to handle your legal needs. We are authorized to give legal advice, draft documents and negotiate on your behalf in four main areas of practice. These practices include:
- Provincial offences
- Small claims
- Administrative tribunals
- Notary Public
Dependable and Insured Paralegal Services
Carmen Dawdy Paralegal Services offers licensed paralegals that carry Errors & Omissions insurance, just as a lawyer does.
We strive to provide you with cost-effective services and sound legal advice in a variety of cases, including:
- Garnishment
- Pardons process
- Small claims ($25,000 or less)
- Commercial driving and trucking
- Commercial Vehicle Operator's Registration (C.V.O.R)
- Highway Traffic Act Offence
- Driving without insurance
- Stunt driving
- Speeding and careless driving
- Landlord matters
- Rent issue
- Human rights
Commissioners of Oath
You may swear an oath before one of our licensed paralegals at Carmen Dawdy Paralegal Services. We are authorized to take affidavits and administer legal oaths, affirmations or declarations.
For any of your small claims matters, Highway Traffic Act offences or landlord and tenant issues, contact our licensed paralegals for legal representation.